Tuesday, 30 July 2013

JJ is Here... Again. Berjalan Kucing.

Wink wink wink.

Macam laaaa lama sangat ilang. Heheh ya ya her Mama knows we've been quiet for a while, ada jugak yang tercari-cari kami.. terharu ok. Very sorry guys, we do have some un-explainable situation on doing so.

And now, wanna share some very good news, finally we've got all the papers approved for JJ's school and she finally can start her class in few days. Funny thing was, kami dah lama tunggu this final paper and today we wanted to go to the gomen office nak tanya about it but according to them, they are closed for this month since too much papers, so we went to KITA to let them know that we're still waiting for that particular even they are aware of the situation. And late evening we finally received the paper that we've been waiting for. Alhamdulillah.

Also today, we went to Barbie's House. Yups.. we did. Papa dia la bising cakap all people from whole Europe (konon) get there and it is just in front of our house, why don't we just go once sebab August nanti dah takder benda alah ni. Okkayyyyyy.... as u wish sir!!

The place is very impressive, high-tech mostly nyer touch screen here and there. But... hi-tech needs hi-touch, so Jelita dengan gediknya do some performance doing catwalk and become a rock star. Siap jatuh dari stage kau.

Getting her make-up on

Behind the stage, trying on accessories

With the team

Couldn't wait for her turn

Other than catwalk, she also took part in dance performance. Will publish the video next... where she tergolek jatuh tangga  (^,^)

... no we didn't do any birthday celebration for JJ. Not even for her father whose birthday fall 2 weeks afterwards. Ngeeeeee.


  1. Wah bestnya comel betul JJ! Paling kecik pula tu mesti jadi tarikan :)

  2. Wah...lama tak dgr kisah jj ni.makin jelita nampaknya jj..alhamdulillah jj dah sah dapat tempat belajarnya.. Tambah seronoklah beberapa hari lagi...

    Tak sabar nak baca update pasal jj jatuh fr stage pulak.

  3. WAH!kecik2 lagi dah cat walk...pengalaman manis tu...tahniah JJ sayang..

  4. alololololo
    Jelita syg so cute lah :)
    x sabar nk nengok video Jelita jatu tergolek nih,nangis tak JJ?sian dia ?

    1. kekekeke
      JJ excited xnak kuar ke smp org lain dah abis dia pusing lagi kat stage.hehehe mama JJ tggu kat tepi pintu je?join lah skali.ngeeeeee

  5. lamenya mama jj tak menaip citer yew
    alololo so sweet sweetnyer anak dara dia
    paling kecik tu bertambah sweet
    jatuh tangga ???
    suker nyer tgk jj terkedek kedek atas stage tu,,hihihi

  6. dia yg paling kecik..dan paling comel..:)

  7. wah! JJ..auntie miss you.. lamanya senyap!...
    comellll JJ catwalk.. hihi...berbakat btl...:)

  8. Amboi JJ bukan main kan..meletopss!!!!!
    comey sangat.. ;)

  9. she's so sweet, & brave enough to enjoy herself on the stage. How i wish Sara will enjoy that as well...

    congrats on her acceptance.. lepas ni mama JJ ulang alik g sekolah la jugak kan...

    Selamat hari raya!

  10. wahhh lamanya dia menghilangggg...huhu...ramadhan 21 baru muncul..huhu.. rindu tau nk tg pic JJ..hihi..amboii kemain lagi JJ..sakan mekap..

  11. hehee... welcome back. alahai JJ kenapa comei sangat ! mula2 nampak malu2,lama2 naik sheikh jugak ye

  12. So cute. Selamat bersekolah JJ.

  13. hehehe so so so cute lah JJ ni

  14. JJ paling comel...mata kakak..ouchh kakak la sangat. haha. mata acik aien ni fokus pada JJ je taw. hehehe. seronok je nampaknya...comeyyy!

  15. Assalamualaikum. alahaii comelnya JJ! bakal2 model famous ni :)

  16. comey giler lah jj wat catwalk
    yg xleh bla smpi terlanggar her friend situ hehehe
    pas2 semua org dah abis dia wat dono je still the show belong to her hahah cute bangat lahhhhhh...geram lah tgk dia..she very cool xde rs takut pun..good job JJ

  17. Ya Allah.. Nas cutenya JJ. Dia tak ada nervous langsung. Sampai kakak-kakak dah keluar dari stage dia masih enjoy nak perform lagi hihi.... sukalah kakak tengok.

  18. adoi.. comelnya JJ.. ini show JJ yang punya ok. ikut suka I nak round bape kali pun kan..kan..

    sangat sangat cute ok. alololo..ciannya jatuh ke?

  19. woaaa..kemain ko JJ..lama tak nampak tau2 dah jadi model..kate moss kecik gitu..haha

  20. JJ peserta paling cilik... tu bukan namanya cat walk, tiger walk terus... hihihi, cute la JJ ni... very confident in public :)
    berulang kali replay the video.... jangan simpan video JJ tergolek tu lama2 tau, can't wait to see it :)

  21. ahaa cumelnya nye JJ, tiut miut..
    rindunye nak baca entry ko

    salam ramdhan n salam raya..

  22. ala cutenya budak JJ ni, tak ada stage fright langsung... good girl

  23. JJ good girl and sportingggggg!!!!!! sukonyo mekkkkkkkkk,sayang JJ !

  24. lamenye Mama JJ & JJ tak muncul .. kemanakah ?

    hehe JJ , ur performance is so kiut miut like me jugak miahahaha

  25. hi Sis n JJ!hahaha...braninya JJ~

  26. lama jj n mama menghilang rupanya jj dh jadik model.comel gila kot..cpt upload videonya!

  27. comel sgt .. terubat rindu tgk video comel ni.

  28. Salam Mama Jelita..

    Hihi..where hv u been kak.. bz benor.. :p
    Wow… is that JJ? She’s looks soooooooo pretty + cute! Hihi..muke nmpk nebes..tp eksited..
    Wah JJ…kemain uols bercatwalk kat stage tu yeeee :p

    jeles makkkkks :)

  29. Lamanya menghilang....
    Dah jadi model rupanya JJ....cute sangat....tapi sayang tak dapat tengo video catwalknya tu, tak tahu apa masalah....huhu

  30. lama ilang Jelita ni..
    alahai comelnya dia..siap di makeup lagi..:)

  31. Rindunya Mama JJ....!!

    serius comei JJ,.!
    tak takut pun join berjalan kucing tu... :)
    paling comel..paling muda dan paling kecil..!

  32. alololo..Comey laa JJ..rasa nk timang2 je tengok muka kiut miut tu...^___^

  33. Hehe...dak JJ ni mmg berani dan confident MJ....bagus...

  34. Tertanya2 jgk dlm hati mana perginya mama JJ nie..
    Seronok tgk JJ, suka kan dia aktivit2 camni..cat's walk mcm mousewalk lajunyer..heheheh


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