Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Mari Menari Sampai Tergolek

Tsk tsk tsk..poso ko dop mu ni JJ, duk lagha manjang. Muahahaha

Rentetan berjalan biawak di Barbie's Hause semalam, team depa ni terus sambung next stage buat aksi menari pulop. Layankan jer la, budak2 pun kan.. kita yang dewasa pun tumpang lagha sekaki (^,^)

Kita tengok saper yang paling terkedepan kedepan kedepan tu. Awal-awal lagi terus mencelah zap zap paling depan conquer stage, haishh la JJ. Aksi dorang ni semua nya on the spot, takder rehearsal or praktis segala... terus ke belakang stage tukar baju or tambah aksesori, naik stage ronggeng la sepuas nya. Happy sakan sekor-sekor. Si JJ even jatuh tergolek pun boleh sambung menari lagi pastu. Tada hal. 

P/s: I have to confess I jarang buka blog since Ramadhan untuk tidak merana jiwa mengenang diri jauh di perantauan. Sedih enough? Hahahhaa however, I will be back visiting you guys... slowly. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of Ramadhan and have fun in membuat persiapan raya.

Worry not, tiada kemalangan jiwa berlaku, JJ didnt even get a scratch... jatuh dia slow motion jer. Biasa la Rockstar kan, rasa nya dia nak buat free fall macam kat concert tapi takder yang sambut muehehee. But again really, she is all fine (^,^)

JJ is Here... Again. Berjalan Kucing.

Wink wink wink.

Macam laaaa lama sangat ilang. Heheh ya ya her Mama knows we've been quiet for a while, ada jugak yang tercari-cari kami.. terharu ok. Very sorry guys, we do have some un-explainable situation on doing so.

And now, wanna share some very good news, finally we've got all the papers approved for JJ's school and she finally can start her class in few days. Funny thing was, kami dah lama tunggu this final paper and today we wanted to go to the gomen office nak tanya about it but according to them, they are closed for this month since too much papers, so we went to KITA to let them know that we're still waiting for that particular even they are aware of the situation. And late evening we finally received the paper that we've been waiting for. Alhamdulillah.

Also today, we went to Barbie's House. Yups.. we did. Papa dia la bising cakap all people from whole Europe (konon) get there and it is just in front of our house, why don't we just go once sebab August nanti dah takder benda alah ni. Okkayyyyyy.... as u wish sir!!

The place is very impressive, high-tech mostly nyer touch screen here and there. But... hi-tech needs hi-touch, so Jelita dengan gediknya do some performance doing catwalk and become a rock star. Siap jatuh dari stage kau.

Getting her make-up on

Behind the stage, trying on accessories

With the team

Couldn't wait for her turn

Other than catwalk, she also took part in dance performance. Will publish the video next... where she tergolek jatuh tangga  (^,^)

... no we didn't do any birthday celebration for JJ. Not even for her father whose birthday fall 2 weeks afterwards. Ngeeeeee.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Birthday Girl

Name: Jelita Jaquelina Tahirovic'
Age: 2 years old
DOB: 6 July 2011
Race: Amazing
Language: Babylon
Status: It's complicated
Current Location: Berlin, Germany

Happy Birthday sayang. Mama and Papa love u so damn much. 

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Bertindik Tanduk Bersubang Gading

Alast!! Telinga JJ dah bertebuk huhuhu.

I sebenarnya berbelah bahagi nak tindik ker tak telinga budak ni, then papa dia cakap better buat sekarang sebelum dia start kindergarten. Kalau nak ikutkan nenek ngan atok dia, umur few months lagi dorang dah menggelupur nak tindik, subang pun dah lama dorang belikan tapi I berkeras cakap nanti-nanti la. So, nanti itu adalah hari ini. Ok la as an early birthday present.

Buat kat Alexa jer, very impressive dorang disinfect everything.. whole meja dorang spray dan cuci apparatus nicely.. take time jugak la menunggu plus some papers kena sign. Seingat I kat Malaysia dulu just sapu benda alah tu kat telinga, bang bang tembak, done. Or??

Ok JJ melalak selama 3 seconds, dapat lollipop terus diam. Dorang buat both telinga serentak so takder la budak ni lari dengan sebelah jer bertebuk. With 10 Euro, we're also given sebotol besar after care lotion untuk sapu kat piercing area.

I myself first tindik dengan tok mudim masa my abang "jawi". Haaa tok mudim kau. Yer la kat kampung kan, sambil tok mudim menunggu nak sembelih orang, terus la minta tindikkan telinga cucuk gitu jer pastu tiup-tiup sikit, sampai la ni elok jer. Itu yang first... Second? Third? Hahahhaa joking la (^,^) I tak suka pakai subang.

My sister pun style kampung jugak. U ladies dulu bertindik macam mana? Style kampung or modern?

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Makan Kaki Karang

Whoaaa ganah dok mok dio? Anok kecik-kecik offer kaki doh. Dok eh... kawe panah kalu keno kecek inggerih sokmo, belik-belik lidoh pah oghe tu tok pehe.

Me: Please do not climb... u can fall, u know?
JJ: Can? Can??
Me: Err.. nak penampor?

Me: I thought u are a good girl, Jelita... why so bad today.
JJ: (Tanpa bicara lari ke katil dia)
Me: Why u stay there?
JJ: Bed... bed (sambil bergayut kat palang katil)

Me: Foot off your food! Its for eating.
JJ: (terus angkat-angkat tunjuk kaki dia) eat.. eat...
Me: Makan la... makan.

"Sapo buat all this thing kaput? Hajde, clean up all these sepah, bitte."
Itu lah gaya percakapan saya kebiasannya, a mix of malay, english, bosnisch, germany and kelate. I sendiri pun dah tak tahu apa I cakap, lintang pukang.

Actually JJ faham sangat apa I cakap... when she want to. Saya berusaha menggunakan bahasa Melayu sepenuhya kadang-kadang tetapi kedengarannya sangat lucu apabila JJ memandang saya dengan mata terkebil-kebil.

*Beghak lagu ni.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

School Lah

Semalam pagi awal bangun sebab JJ kan ada appointment jam 9am untuk melawat kawasan. Before 9 kami dah terpacak depan sekolah tu, depan rumah jer kan... papa dia yang terlebih excited benornye.

Cikgu bagi some explainations and bawak kami tengok kelas and aktiviti2 untuk kekanak riang di situ, very impressive ok. Ada 3 kelas yang sangat besar untuk fasa umur JJ, each for 20 kids. Semua tersusun cantik towels, jackets, tilams.. ada nama lengkap dengan gambar.

Kids will learn to be disciplined, independent, socialise.. semua la. Makan pun dorang provide, I asked and they dont serve schweine, yer la ramai Turkish kat sini kan. Bertapa la kamu JJ kat sini sampai umur 5 tahun. Kejap jer  tu kan, pejam celik tunggang terbalik, dah habis sekolah... dah balik Malaysia. hehehhee

JJ belum free diapers lagi. umur pun baru nak masuk 2 tahun but she is more than ready for this school, she needs it especially untuk komunikasi. She in fact is the oldest in the group sebab patutnya umur setahun dah masuk sana. So, probably August or latest by September kot JJ starts, still waiting for some paperworks to be done and confirm the fees etc. Very small amount of fees, dia pun mampu bayar sendiri, gomen kan kasi dia elaun bulanan.

*God bless Germany, my heart still in Malaysia tho (^,<)