Saturday, 5 January 2013

CocoCroach Anyone?

Coco Crunch + Cockroach = CocoCroach

I know!!!! euuuuww kan. That was my youngest brother panggil lipas "cococroach" masa kecit2, confuse lipas ngan cereal dia.

Jelita still  tak banyak words yang she says, just "here, THIS, ter-tiii (dirty), hop, nah, hot, baby, daba dada baiii ya ba ba da da na na na...."

However... she understands a LOT. I selalu gives her simple instructions just to see how far her understanding on our conversations, sometimes belum habis cakap dia dah berlari buat apa yang I suruh. Her papa and me just look at each other and geleng2 kepala (impressed, of course and mostly un-sangka-rable on what she knows). Dia pandai kemas kerusi after makan dah, tanpa diminta. Bravo!!

Oh well, she is already 1 and half years old anyway. My Jelita dah besar huhuu. Maybe u can slowly start notify mama when u need to do "big business" yer sayang. Lately ni dia selalu tunjuk2 bontot dia bila poo poo.

Is she ready for potty training yet? Mommies out there, help please (*o*)


  1. comelnya si Jelita nih!!!!!!ciummmmmmmmmmmm pipi dia!!!

  2. yeah..jelita dh makin besar dah makin cerdik....baguslah..suka saya tgk gambarnya..sangat comel..geram..

  3. Ermm.. Pa'e start potty training umur 2thn 2 bulan klu tk silap..nenek dia lah rajin ajar..hehe..klu ikut i ntah bila br free dypers... umur Pa'e 2thn 4 bln dia dah free dypers..tak mau dah pakai pampers.. dah pandai ckp nak kencing & poo poo..jimat byk!..:)
    slow2 lah Nas train JJ...lama2 nti OK...:)

    1. nak nenek Pa'e pls.. hihihi

      I duk cek2 around jugak pasal potty training ni, and signs tu macam dia dah ada sikit2. hmmm see how.

  4. coco croach..haha..macam sedap pulak khe. both crunchy..hurmm..not yet mommies.. so tak dpt membantu..hehe

    1. crunchy kruk kruk kan... sedap ker? takper, ni i timba ilmu banyak2 nnt esok2 i perturunkan kat u hokeh.

  5. makin bijak cik Jelita skrang ni yea
    bagusnya. kemas kerusi lepas siap makan.aunty pun kagum mcm ni

    1. time dia mood elok, lepas makan mmg la mood elok.

  6. cantik nama...Jelita...

    hmm,saya belum ada anak sendiri tapi melalui pengalaman tengok mak ayah besarkan adik2, umur 1 tahun mcm awal lagi je...depends pada budak jugak kot,Jelita mcm pandai je...haha...padahal tak pernah jumpa & kenal pun...

    1. itu la I pun rasa macam awal jugak lagi.alaaa kita kan slalu jumpa kat sini hehehe

  7. comelnya jelita..bijak betul..hehe
    anak sy mula belajr PT umur 2 thn..

  8. Tak ingatlah MJ bila.....he..he....train dia bawak gi toilet 2jam sekali ke....tuk keciklah... Tp ikut budak jugak, anak okje yg kecik tu cepat....

    1. hehhe kat sini nak bogel2 dah la payah OKje, sejuk. nak buka baju berlapis2 setiap 2 jam sekali, kemalasan sudah menyeru ni hihihi.

    2. ha..ha... okje pun malas jugak kalau cam tu!!!

  9. bagus jelita..kecik2 dah pandai ye,mngkn jelita tgk apa yg mama n papa dia buat,jadi dia ikutlah.

    1. harapnya yg elok sahaja yg diikutnya.. kekeke


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