Saturday, 20 October 2012

Fruit Rojak

Lama dah duk nak makan rojak ni, tapi selalu tak dan nak cari buah-buahan yang sesuai. Ini pun main taruk jer apa yang ada, boleh la lepas anak tekak. 

Duk chat ngan my fren pasal makan2, then by mention nak kuah rojak ni, terus call mak dia tanya resepi. Semangat tul. Memang berbaloi.
yippieeee so happy :D:D

Fruits mix:
Red radish (instead of sengkuang)

For sauce (dari mak Ayu)
Thick soy sauce
Salt and sugar
Chilly paste
Otak udang (n/a, udang Berlin takder otak. hehe)
Smashed groundnuts (n/a)

Boil all the ingredients for sauce until u got a thick paste. Pour on the mixed fruits, add sesame seeds. Fertig!!

1 comment:

I'm only responsible for what I say (write), not for what U understand