Sunday, 20 May 2012


Banyak kerja sikit tapi sangat sedap. 

2 terung size besar (goreng dengan tepung dan telur)
2 paprika goreng sedikit supaya lembut and diced
300gram minced beef
1 big onion diced
3 telur dipukul ringan bersama sedikit susu, sour cream dan garam. 
Salt pepper and oil

Cook minced beef with onion, add the diced paprika. Arrange terung dalam loyang bakar selang seli ngan beef tadi. Tuangkan adunan telur, if tak cover all, just add little bit milk so that atas tak dry. 

Wednesday, 2 May 2012



400 gm minced beef
1 large onion and 1 clove garlic
2 ts flour, 1 ts baking powder
1 egg, little bit bread (shredded)
Salt pepper

Mix all ingredients well and shape into balls, not too besar nnt bila goreng dalamnya tak masak. Put some cooking / olive oil in hand to make it easier. Boleh simpan sejuk beku.